Kate Ahl has a passion for helping bloggers and business owners grow their businesses using Pinterest. Her business, Simple Pin Media, teaches Pinterest marketing through simple, actionable steps that help business owners move forward successfully instead of feeling overwhelmed.
Kate Ahl founded Simple Pin Media as a way to help her blogger friends take one thing off their plate so they could focus on creating great content for their blogs. At the time, she and her husband were living off government assistance and $1000/month. Since that cannot sustain a family of five long term, Kate also started Simple Pin with the hope that it would provide financial support for her family.
Four years, 100 management clients and over 400 accounts later, Kate and her team know a whole heck-of-a-lot about Pinterest, such as how to effectively market on Pinterest organically!
Kate has built a successful team and, in addition to running Simple Pin Media, she provides social media management coaching and speaks on Pinterest marketing at events, including the Build Your Blog Conference, Indulge and Blended, SNAP, Social Media Marketing World, Activate and Everything Food.
Kate and her husband are passionate about running their businesses so they can be free to do things that have a positive impact on their community. Kate runs Simple Pin out of her She Shed in the garden. She even has a Pinterest board devoted to She Shed ideas.
Kate says it’s peaceful to work from home when you’re balancing the needs of three kids and a foster baby with running your own businesses. Her children have no idea what it means for their parents to work traditional jobs and are constantly asking why they work all the time. (They only work 30 hours a week!)
Kate likes sparkly drinks, fine cheese, and great friends. She believes in cultivating her offline community as well as her online community because it helps her to keep focused and grounded. She writes, “Someone has to help me ‘call my crazy’ sometimes and allow me to watch how they use Pinterest.”
Kate Ahl Show Notes
Simple Pin Media
What did you do before you started simple pin media?
Was this a full time job for you?
What did you go to school for?
When you decided to branch out and do your own website, how long did it take to figure out what you wanted to do?
When did you start that business?
How many iterations of the website have you gone through?
Pinterest is changing, you say that the pins should be a 2:3 ration, can you give me dimensions?
If you have a bunch of pins that are long pins, is it worth it to go back and resize them?
Would you recommend redoing pins for hashtags?
What’s a good way to find hashtags?
Is there a tool you would recommend to find out who is following them and who is unfollowing them?
Do you think that more people are on mobile with Pinterest or with a desktop?
Can you talk about how important having a marketing plan mapped out for 2018?
When you talk about people pinning, say 20 pins a day, are you talking about other people’s pins not their own content?
If somebody came to you and said, I don’t want to do it myself, do you have a service that could take over for their pinning?
It’s okay to still pin older stuff if you are pinning everyday?
How often do you look at analytics on Pinterest and how can somebody best utilize the information found there?
Another good one, Elaine! I can’t find the pinterest/source/blog name though! Bummer!
Thanks Beth! Perhaps write to Kate? I bet she could answer it easily!
It should be formatted as follows: https://www.pinterest.com/source/yoursitename.com/
I just double checked it for the site I manage and it worked great!
Finally, I was able to catch up with your podcasts. This is very interesting and realized I am doing Pinterest all wrong !! LOL That outsourcing service sounds very interesting